Happy Christmas to all our lovely customers – good things to come from 2025 :)

Seasons greetings to all of our lovely customers, with the new year approaching, we have successfully migrated our website to a new provider – so all our SSL woes are hopefully now behind us and email forwarding should now work 🙂 The contact email address for us is info@occasionalturnings.co.uk or via our contact form that can be found here Coming in the new year – the Etsy shop will finally get going again, stocked with Charlie’s lovely Gnomes, fairy houses, Tealight / Trinket Fairy houes and some Wands made from Rosewood, Ebony (yup – sustainably sourced from a local supplier) and

Continue readingHappy Christmas to all our lovely customers – good things to come from 2025 🙂

Always happy for custom orders

Hi all, Hope everyone is settling into 2021.  Certainly been a busy start to 2021 for us and have been priviledged to complete several custom orders for customers.  Sort of realised we could do this when we enabled the custom order functionality on our etsy shop 🙂  https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/OccasionalTurnings Be it a custom container for rare incense or a hand-made puppet, a custom wand in the size and material of your wanting, a custom fairy house for a little one or a special valentines gift for a loved one  we have  been able to complete on time and exceeded expectations in

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Love a custom request :)

Hi all, Recently received a request for a very specific container, much smaller or shallower than I have ever turned before.  Well after three attempts finally got there 🙂 The first one burned and died, but the second one got off the lathe but because of my reverse chuck it burned a perfect circle into the base of the dish.  Not planned but really nice so either going to keep it or post it online 🙂 Either way this has come out really nicely and properly happy with it.  Certainly the most challenging from a turning perspective because it was

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